- Add comfort in your outdoor gear wearing the Smartwool® Run Zero Cushion Ombre Print Low Ankle socks.
- Low-cut design.
- 4-Degree™ Elite Fit System construction uses two elastics to provide better stretch and to keep your sock in place.
- Indestructawool™ is engineered to provide maximum comfort and durability.
- Ultra-light cushioning provides maximum performance with minimal cushioning to works well in close-fitted shoes.
- Mesh panels on the out step help provide added breathability.
- Achilles strap helps give you added protection and warmth.
- Contrasting and contour-like detail on the heel and toe.
- Pull-on style.
- Branding detail on the toe.
- 51% Merino wool, 25% nylon, 19% recycled nylon, 4% elastane, 1% other fiber.
- Machine wash, tumble dry.
- Imported.
- SKU 9611431
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